Every day is a new day. A day with happiness, stresses, complications, people, work, new things, old things-changes. Things are sometimes running smoothly, beautifully- and then in an instant you are swiped with something you never expected- an event that totally pushes you off course. And then things are not so good.
And you work through it, and you feel things that are not so great. You cry, maybe you get angry. And then just in the same breath, things are going terribly- life feels like it is crumbling... and like magic something comes along and changes everything around and you are on top of the world.
It's a cliche, but such is life. You do your best, and you live each day the best way you can- in your current capacity. And things happen out of your control and you do your best in that capacity.
You feel- you laugh, you cry- you build yourself up and sometimes you fall to pieces.
And we all try, and I try, to just be grateful every day for the good things.
And yes, days will come when being grateful for anything seems impossible. That is okay too.
When I have such a day, I find myself spending a lot of time feeling guilty that I am unable to see that silver lining- unable to say a thank you or push through a smile. But it happens, right? I need to convince myself about that a lot. Shit happens.
No one's life is perfect- it may look perfect on the outside--- you may look at other's lives and say wow they have everything together. Why don't I? Don't be fooled by smoke and mirrors... don't be jealous of other's-there is no way of understanding or knowing their journey.
I have learnt, the only thing you can do- is live your journey. The good, the bad and damn ugly. Be true to yourself, be true to your instincts and your gut--- and look inside---- close your eyes to looking outside.
Your journey is so personal, so fit for you, and looking at other's live's will not help you understand your own, it will only confuse you further.
So with the biggest love and light, I take a deep breath and say "This is my journey, I own it, its mine to live and love and laugh and cry".
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