My darling beautiful nieces, I love you each with all my
being. I learnt how to love from my aunties and my mom, your gran. I learnt
from the strongest most incredible women I've yet to meet. And I want to pass
these lessons onto you.
This letter is to my three magical girls, and to every
little girl.
I grew up knowing and seeing that women can do anything.
From moving a table on their own, to investing money, working, cooking,
nurturing and being beautiful all at once. There is nothing you cannot do.
Nothing (yes can even pee standing up, it's necessary when you go on travels to
weird and wonderful places with interesting toilet facilities).
As a woman you hold the world in your hands and no one
can or should try tell you anything different.
When you are at an age where society, at that time dictates
you should get married, you really don't have to. Lesson one I learnt from my
one special aunt. She worked as a lawyer for many years, brilliantly successful
and capable. She traveled the world - she experienced life. I did the same. I went
off to London and gallivanted around the world travelling. I had many different
boyfriends who each taught me different ways to love and see the world. I made
so many interesting quirky friends that remain in my life and heart years
later. Those lessons and those people are irreplaceable in making me the person
I am today.
And now I'm ready to marry my heartsong - your crazy
amazing uncle. I know what I am getting into, well you never know, but I have a
realists view on marriage. It's fucking hard, sometimes it sucks, sometimes you
will want to leave and get on a plain on go back to that life of travel and no
obligations holding you down. When that happens, you look down at your ring finger and look up
at that person ( man or woman) and you make a choice to make it work- make it
magic- make it what you want. Once again what society says a marriage is-
ignore. You make your marriage or life partnership what you feel is right for
Be kind. You meet people every day that sometimes don't smile.
We are surrounded by people that are walking around with a mountain of hurt in
their hearts- be kind. Your good energy makes a difference. You never know the change that your kind words
or gesture could have on a person. Lesson two above, was learnt from my other
magical aunt. The kindest, most generous angelic human. She radiates warmth
wherever she goes. She is one of those ladies that everyone just wants to hug,
wants to be in her presence because that alone heals you. You lose nothing by
giving. It will come back to you tenfold. This is something I can promise you. What
you radiate outwards into the world, will radiate straight back at you.
Get up, wake up and face whatever it is life has given
you today. Sometimes it may be very painful, it may be a something you never
thought would happen to you. Heartbreak, losing a job, losing someone you love,
possible bouts of depression- friends coming and going. Just wake up- look at
yourself in the mirror and know you can take it on. Lesson number three above,
I learnt from my third magical aunt. At 30 years old she lost our dear uncle in
a tragic way. And she got up. She made it work- she began a new beautiful
family that staid connected to us. She made her life beautiful and did not let
life’s many hurdles push her off course. Another lesson I learnt from aunty
number 3-always stay close to family. They are you and you are them. Family is
truly where the heart is and they will remain your compass,that is if you let
You can do anything. I mean anything, anything at all. If you want
to be an artist- be an artist. If you want to be a doctor- you can be a doctor.
If you want to be a colourful hippie that travels the world with long
dreadlocks, do that. You can. If you want to be a free, fairy loving, spiritual
being that believes in energies and crystals- that is okay to. Your parents may
have dreams of you being the next heart surgeon, but with love they will
support you on your pathway. It is okay to be the cleverest, the best, and the
prettiest- don’t shy away from that. Never feel guilty for achieving. Never apologies
for being everything that you are able to be- and that you are blessed with
being. This powerful lesson I learnt from your gran. Women are not scared of
spiders. Women can run finances and change lightbulbs. Women are strong. And
let me tell you, your gran is the strongest -the best.
And then, the last lesson from me- to you.
Sometimes you will not have the strength to pick up the
pieces. Your heart will be broken. Life will throw some shitty things at you.
And you know what? Fall to pieces. That beautiful family and those friends- you
should invest time and love in. Let them pick up the pieces. And choose a
partner who will also know how to do it.
Sometimes, there will come a time in your life, when it
is just too much and you cannot carry the world. So take your box of tissues to
bed- cry- sleep- cry some more. And summon your people to hold your hand. There
is so much strength in being able to let others help you. Do it. It's not a
Strength lies in being you and being true to your
On a side note from your aunty- do some courses on
yourself. Get to know you. Inside, outside- the good, the bad and the ugly.
None of us are perfect and when you embrace all of your qualities you will be a
much happier person. So go for therapy, go to yoga, do gym - learn different
things. Find your niche - and don't be worried if you have to try over and over
again to find your niche. It takes a little bit of time.
Lastly beautiful girls- make your own set of lessons and
rules. You are on this earth to learn your own individual pathway. Make it
beautiful, and make it you.
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